Composer, producer, singer and songwriter
Lecturer in vocal education and creative seminars.
Studied double bass and composition @
„ Staatliche Hochschule Für Musik - Karlsruhe
Musical expedition to India by land.
Detailed studies of precious musical treasures of many
cultures and countries of the East and West.
Since 1968, bassist, guitarist and singer in
formations of jazz, rock, and pop.
more than a band project
founded in 2002 by
Antal Nitsche
& WvB
Workshop „Vocal Experience“
(Method by Wolfgang von Boyen)
This seminar is based on the principals of resonance,
Intonation and harmonics.
During one day with Wolfgang von Boyen’s Vocal Experience,
The seminar members go through a common process (experience),
Which connects deeply with inner voice and the sound
Created by all members.
Everyone can participate,
Even those who believe not being able to sing
Will notice that they have a wonderful voice that just wants to be Brought to life.
Komponist, Produzent, Sänger,
Dozent für Stimmbildungs-und Kreativseminare.
Gitarre, Kontrabass, E-Bass, Piano,
Bansuri (ind. Bambusflöte), Percussion.
Musikstudium: Staatl. Hochschule für Musik in Karlsruhe.
Freie Musikschule der Antroposophie
Musikalische Entdeckungsreise nach Indien auf dem Landwege.
Ausführliche Studien wertvoller Musikschätze zahlreicher
Kulturen und Länder des Orients.
Seit 1968 Bassist, Gitarrist und Sänger in
Formationen von Jazz, Rock, und Pop.
Produzent verschiedener internationaler Musikproduktionen
u.a. für Music Ensemble of Benares (klassische ind. Musik).
"Vocal Experience"
Stimmbildungsmethode für Gesang,
allgemeine Musiklehre und Improvisation.
Ensemble für Meditative Weltmusik.
Gegründet von
Antal Nirsche und Wolfgang von Boyen.